Some Say...
You Ready to Talk?
CONSIDER THIS your official invitation to submit your name, or the name of someone you know would be a great guest for the Some Say... podcast! Email me below with a brief pitch (50-100 words) on what we should discuss, what your art is, and what you're willing to share about your process and product.

What it is/What it is/What it is*:
The show's format is a hopeful, but real conversation: I’m Holly & I'll be the host, and speaking to creators of all kinds to discuss what they love doing, how and why they do it.
Show discussions will be organic, but based on a few questions. The tone I’m aiming for is uplifting. During this tumultuous time, when art is truly seen as a luxury by many, who is making the work that feeds our souls, or allows us to be the humans we truly can be? What is the value in that?
I have it in my head that it's a cross between HoNY (Human of New York) and Marc Maron's WTF podcast. Conversations between art-creators, or people with passions they want to discuss. I'll be focusing on lesser-known, non-bold-name folks and those who are doing what they do for the love first, the money second, or never.